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HIL Series 1: Importance of HIL Testing to save time and cost
June 8, 2022 – Time: 15:30-16:30 / Language: Turkish
Are you facing difficulties in testing complex system?
Thorough and reliable tests are necessary to verify and validate design. But, as modern systems grow in complexity, particularly in software, this critical step is more easily said than done.
No one knows your design like you do. HIL tests ensure that your final product is exactly what you intended while minimizing cost and time to market. NI hardware and software for HIL testing give you the power to design the test system you need to reliably produce the product you imagine.
Attend this webinar to learn how Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing is the solution for creating a test system that is scalable and ensures comprehensive test covergae.
Digital Transformation with NI SystemLink – Learn how to optimize your Test Systems & Data Management
June 23, 2022 – Time: 15.30-16.30 / Language: Turkish
In today’s digital economy, data is a kind of capital, an economic factor for the optimal design and production of goods in an ever-increasingly complex ecosystem. Big data management represents an existential threat to organizations that don’t embrace it, but an unparalleled opportunity for those that do.
Test systems management is the centralized management of a company’s test and measurement assets — software, systems, and fixtures. It helps make the most of test and measurement resources by using real-time information to provide optimum system function and availability.
Test data management is the foundational system for collecting, organizing, processing, and analyzing disparate data across an organization. It makes essential test and measurement data available when and where it is needed.
Join us in our upcoming Webinar to learn how NI SystemLink software combines focused applications and data services that accelerate time-to-knowledge and time-to-market by leveraging comprehensive real-time information. From engineering teams to enterprises, SystemLink software helps you achieve peak performance.